Metamorphosis of Dance and Language
Dance has its own language. Dance is its own language. Dancers may come from different countries, different backgrounds, speak different languages – yet they can understand and communicate through dance. The expression, the intonation, the flow of this particular language lends itself to diverse interpretation – without the misunderstanding that so often accompanies the spoken word, which appears to change in meaning during the time it takes to leave the mouth of the speaker and enter the ear of the listener.
Diversity of culture, language and heritage diminish in a moment of inspirational dance, with movement that inspires, provokes and fires the imagination. Movement that is letting words flow in the mind of the observer and dancer alike, each interpreting the meaning individually and – at that moment – privately. Isn’t this how many of us see life? We watch, we listen, and we interpret.
The choreographer may have been looking to elicit a particular response and emotion from the audience, and yet, we, the audience, can see something completely different. In life, this difference in understanding can lead to strife, yet in dance it amplifies the richness of diversity, taking the thought process of one individual and magnifying it through the many minds that seek to understand.
When we experience life through dance, recognising the moods, the crescendos and the tranquility that it offers, we speak a different but common language, an avenue of expression devoid of words that relies on body language of the soul.
‘I see dance being used as communication between body and soul, to express what is too deep to find for words.’ (Ruth St. Denis, Dance Pioneer, 1879 – 1968)

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