Courage vs. Fear
Fear is an illusive giant. It has no shape, colour, sound, form, or solid visibility, yet we experience it to our very core. It is an instinct, a protective mechanism designed to keep us safe in the wild.
Modern day fear has little to do with the wild. It rather relates to the pressure of doing the right thing, wearing the right clothes, driving the right car, living in the right neighborhood. Even if this life is mundane, unimaginative and mediocre – isn’t it better than taking the risk of stepping out in courage to achieve the dream that resides within us?
Fear causes procrastination, indecision and immobility – excuses which all slow down or prevent the realization of our dreams. Fear and anxiety are natural emotions we experience when faced with obstacles. However, successful individuals are those who experience fear and do it anyway. They let courage overcome fear. Pressing towards what they passionately believe to do.
Fear is the adversity, courage the victory. Courage is associated with integrity, dignity, valor and faith, and allows us to battle cooperatively and individually to overcome adversity. It is the strength, the unswerving determination and obstinacy that overrides fear.
That is what Metamorphosoz stands for.
‘Courage is resistance of fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.’ (Mark Twain)

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