Where were we…
Using the adversities and overcoming of the ‘Stolen Generations’ as an analogy to life is something I am asked about a lot. And after an eventful and intense year it feels right to start up with something that comes up in conversations over and over again. Especially as everybody missed out on the first quarter news. Thank you again for your patience and endless support and encouragement during this time.
By now you are aware of the history of the ‘Stolen Generations’ (News December 2010) and where it all started for me (About). I don’t see the Indigenous People of Australia as victims, but as survivors. What intrigued me about this culture, recognized as the oldest culture known today, (Professor Eske Willerslev, University of Copenhagen), was also the wisdom that comes with such age and the intensity with which they view life. These people embrace life in depth. Being alive to them means something, because everything around them has a meaning. The essence of life, the essence of the meaning remains, and they have the ability to portray this in their art and their dance. It showed in their legal system. They understood the earth they lived in, and tended to it in a way that brought out the best in the land. Their intensity and perseverance in times of great adversity holds a fascination for me. The ability to adapt and grow during those times and come out stronger is a strength seated deep within, a strength that comes with being at peace with the land and their role within it. Are you at peace with your role?
Adversity has many different faces. Whether it is in form of bullying, different ways of abuse in or outside the home, persecution or racial discrimination – each of these affect the individual and put it to challenge in different ways. Like the Indigenous People from Australia some live through it and come out victorious, some just survive, and some don’t. There will always be some, who rise above it, like David Unaipon (News July 2011) – firstly as individuals, then as a whole group. We hear stories of those strong people long after it affected the outcome of a particular situation – and it gives us strength, motivation and hope. Our life today has a tendency to being superficial as opposed to the intensity of their culture. Being alive means something to them, because everything around them has a meaning and a greater purpose. (News August 2011). What does being alive mean to you?
Modern man has the desire to intensify his experience of life and we chase after it in many ways in search for instant gratification. If you peel off everything superficial the essence remains – depth, meaning and understanding.
‘Ultimately, man should not ask what the meaning of his life is, but rather must recognize that it is he who is asked. In a word, each man is questioned by life; and he can only answer to life by answering for his own life; to life he can only respond by being responsible. (Victor Frankl, 1905 – 1997)

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