A breath of fresh air
There is a tendency to argue that nothing has improved, a sort of public-spirited masochism, the devotees of which feel better the worse things can be made to appear.
Every year people start with new intentions, ‘New Years’ resolutions. A resolve that things will change for the better and that the individual will somehow evolve to a different level. For the devotee the intention is there, but not the willpower. Running with the pack the individual quickly allows the adversities of life to erode the intention, listening to negativity, believing the bad news rather than holding tight to the intention to make a change. Not realising that a corporate decision to think differently would impact and change the outcome for everyone.
To the untrained eye Aboriginal art could be seen as a vast array of dots, randomly splashed onto a white canvas, with no meaning. Rather like life itself, a random collection of thoughts with no cohesion. The intention of the artist unclear, leaving the observer with the impression that there is really nothing behind the multiple splashes of colour nor thoughts in the mind. Yet to the trained eye the artwork tells a story, it is a map, giving clear directions as to the movement of the earth, the animals and plant life. It is a message of hope passed on through the wisdom of generations who came to understand the patterns, the seasons and the offerings of Mother Earth to those positive enough to believe that there is a future rather than life getting worse – it just goes through seasons of change. The balance between snow in winter, sun in summer, green leaves in spring turning to amber in the autumn mist. Organising the dots, which represent our thoughts, into clear and definite maps, pathways, goals, ambitions and dreams that will guide us with greater clarity through life.
Metamorphosoz is about change. It is about Victory over Adversity. Not ‘New Years’ resolutions, rather a work in progress for those ready to be devotees of positive change rather than public-spirited masochism.
Sharing the world has never been humanities defining attribute… (Henry Reynolds, ‘Why weren’t we told’)

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