The Mind And The Parachute
There are moments in life that you know will have a major impact on your life. You meet people who open your eyes to a whole new thought process, life perspective, or cultural thinking, and through that shift you to a whole new level of awareness.
Meeting the people from the Aboriginal culture many years ago was one of these major events. I let you decide whether it was by chance or predetermined. I was living and studying in Graz, when I decided to watch a performance at an International Dance Festival, by a group I had never heard of, from a country I hadn’t given a second thought to. Their performance changed the course of my life, as it resulted in me travelling and ultimately living in Australia. This ancient culture, foreign and unknown to me, was going to influence my future in a massive way and guide my path in a certain direction. My life was changed in an instant.
A few weeks ago I had another of those intensely powerful encounters. Once again, by chance or predetermined? An email suggesting that I take part in a course presented by someone completely unknown to me, but on a subject that resonated with me so strongly that I had to attend. Having done the course I already understand the impact that it has in my life even though I may not fully comprehend its enormity. Once again I know that nothing will ever be the same again.
We all have these times, these moments in life, when we can choose to embrace and take on the new, the different, the unknown, and let it influence us, take us into a whole new world waiting for us. We can accept or, on the other hand, step back. Scared, frightened, and full of thoughts filled with why’s, what’s and how’s.
If you feel it is right for you, if the idea resonates at a deeper level, if the mind, like a parachute, is open, then be brave. Don’t hold back. Don’t just step out – Jump! Trust that it appeared for a reason. It will take you further than you ever imagined…
‘A mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.’ (Frank Zappa)

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