Motivation – Metamorphosis in action
Ferragamo is known as one of the best shoe designers worldwide – his passion and desire to become a shoemaker started when he was a small child. But few know how difficult it was for him from the very beginning. Being a shoemaker was seen as the lowest ‘profession’ amongst all the trades one could learn. He had no support in achieving his dream. Today he is known worldwide for his unique talent and his scientific and innovative approach to create shoes – not only beautiful, but incredibly comfortable and ‘kind to your feet’.
What motivated Ferragamo, why did he persist in his desire to make shoes? Motivational speakers preach that we can do anything we want as long as we believe. Yet there are still many frustrated people, believing in the dream but not taking the necessary steps, neither having the courage nor fortitude to get outside the box and achieve the goal. Motivation without energy is just a dream. It is energy that turns the dream into reality. Action is required in order for things to change.
The energy required is desire. And at the same time is also the starting point – without it, all stays embryonic. As childhood moves into adult life there is a need to conform. This stifles the energy inside us. Metamorphosis is the change from one state to another. It is predetermined, only external influences can prevent it from happening. Within us is the desire and ability to achieve our goal, to form something real from our imagination. This is our metamorphosis. It is our environment that we need to overcome in order to realise the desire – and motivation to overcome the obstacles along the way.
Motivation is literally the desire to do things. Ferragamo had the desire to make shoes. He did not start with a vision for a worldwide empire, all he wanted was to make good shoes. And that’s what he went for. Against all adversity he persevered. And that is precisely what it takes.
‘You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.’ (Rabindranath Tagore, 1861 – 1941)

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